Frequently Asked Questions

BMS Guidance

1. How can I get a schedule changed?

Contact the grade-level counselor.

2. How do I enroll my child?

See enrollment packets and coordinate with the Guidance Secretary,

3. How do I withdraw my child?

When you enroll your child at another school, we will be contacted by the school and then we can withdraw your child. You do not have to complete paperwork with us, but it will be helpful if you notify our guidance secretary once you have enrolled your child at another school.

4. How can I see my child’s grades?

You can view your child’s grades through Family Portal . Guidance staff can reset Family Portal


5. How do I find the email addresses for my child's teachers?

Contact information for all staff can be found under the Staff Directory tab on the BMS Home Page.

Also, from Family Portal choose the ACADEMICS tab, then select Options and then "Send email" . to see your child's teachers email addresses.

6. How can I access my child's lunch number?

From Family Portal choose the MY INFO tab and then select "School Lunch Balance" to view your child's lunch number.

7. How can I find my child's email address?

From Family Portal choose the ACADEMICS tab, then select Options and then "Send email". Your child's email address will be at the top.